Swim by Ellen van Neerven
E is 70 percent water and 30 percent confused. Freestyle, butterfly, breaststroke, blakstroke. Swim is a performance poem on Australian swimming, the sovereignty of water and the strength of culture and family in keeping us safe, told by a young queer Murri ready to hit the fast lane at the local pool.
Ellen van Neerven belongs to the Mununjali Yugambeh people from South East Queensland. Ellen is the author of two books, Heat and Light (UQP, 2014) and Comfort Food (UQP, 2016. Until 2016 Ellen was the Senior Editor of black&write! at State Library of Queensland.
Swim was presented by at the Yellamundie National First Peoples Playwriting Festival on 24 January 2019 at Carriageworks for Sydney Festival.
Playwright – Ellen van Neerven
Director / Dramaturg – Andrea James
Performer – Dalara Williams