2021 - Capricorn by Aidan Rowlingson





Capricorn tells the story of a young First People’s couple at the end of their long term relationship. But we learn more about the individuals as fate brings them together again and again for Sorry Business, work commitments, and drunken rebounds forcing the pair to confront their conflicts as they search for their wants and needs. Through the lens of a doomed romantic relationship, Capricorn explores culture, sexuality, personal growth, and grief.

AIDan’s Story

Butchulla & Kabi Kabi man Aidan Rowlingson is an emerging multidisciplinary artist and producer based on Jagera and Turrabal country in so-called Brisbane who interprets the world around him through acting, writing, visual art, and directing. Aidan creates and produces LGBTQIA+ First Nation performances and creative developments.

Speaking to the many diverse voices within these proud communities. Through this work he has worked at a number of projects including The Lublys as part of the Queensland Performing Arts Centers Clancestry Festival and Sovereign-Tea as part of Digi Youth Arts Fri-Yayy online series. Growing up in regional Queensland Aidan learnt the importance of proud representation and the effect that art can have on a community in its connection to culture.

Through his artistic practice he serves his community, taking and creating space for LGBTQI+ First Nation art that platforms our voice in our way.


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