January, 1788.
Clan leaders meet on Gadigal land as the tall ships enter the Harbour. Do they bid welcome, or do they take a stance?
A strange sight greets those gathered on the shore of Gadigal land. Ships of a type and size never seen before. Where are they from? Who and what do they carry? Should they be welcomed– or should they be wary?
Famed for her plays Stolen and Rainbow’s End, Muruwari playwright Jane Harrison turns her attention to that pivotal moment when the First Fleet dropped anchor.
Presented by Sydney Festival, Moogahlin Performing Arts and Carriageworks, and directed by Frederick Copperwaite, The Visitors is a powerful, imaginative response to the beginnings of modern Australia.
Director – Frederick Copperwaite
Playwright – Jane Harrison
Cast – John Blair, Damion Hunter, Colin Kinchela, Nathan Leslie, Leroy Parsons, Glenn Shea, Kerri Simpson
Set and Costume Design – Lisa Mimmochi
Lighting Design – Chloe Ogilvie
Sound Design – Phil Downing, with additional composition from Tim Gray
Producer – Liza-Mare Syron
Assistant Producers – Corrine Shepherd & Sonny Dallas Law
Production Manager – Oliver Anstis
Stage Manager – Farlie Goodwin
Deputy Stage Manager – Meagan Fitzpatrick
Wardrobe Supervisor – Lissette Endacott
Set Construction – Hamish Elliott, Camille Ostrowsky, Matthew Hinton
Community Liaison – Tim Gray
Solid Ground interns – Ruby Williams & Zane Carr
Publicity – Julia Barnes & Francesca Hughes of Articulate
Special thanks to John Blair, Nathan Leslie, Greg Maude, John Oates, Tim Selwyn, and Andy Snelgar, for the weapons and tools used in this production.
22 - 26 January 2020 at Carriageworks, 245 Wilson St Eveleigh
Wed 22 Jan at 8.00pm
Thu 23 Jan at 8.00pm (Followed by Q&A)
Fri 24 Jan at 8.00pm (AUSLAN Interpreted)
Sat 25 Jan at 3.00pm
Sat 25 Jan at 8.00pm
Sun 26 Jan at 3.00pm
The presentation of this work is supported by Create NSW, Australia Council for the Arts, City of Sydney, the Seaborn, Broughton & Walford Foundation, and the Australian Government through the Department of Communications and the Arts and the the Catalyst - Australian Arts and Culture Fund. The development of this work was supported by Monash University Faculty of Arts, Moogahlin Performing Arts through the 2013 Yellamundie National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Playwriting Festival, Playwriting Australia, and Melbourne Theatre Company (2013, 2014 Cybec Electric playreading series, and 2016).