Farewell to Ali Murphy-Oates
Ali at Cutter and Coota by Bruce Pascoe - Image by Stephen Wilson Barker
Ali at the Black Nulla Cabaret Showcase at Koori Gras 2017 - Jamie James
Ali Murphy- Oates (ngyiampaa Wailwan)
Farewell to Ali
Ali joined Moogahlin on the 20th of September 2015. We set up a leadership position of Company Manager working 2 days per week with us and 3 days with Carriageworks under Lisa Havila. One year later, on the 21st of September 2016 Ali moved fully into working with Moogahlin, later becoming the company's inaugural Managing Director. We poached Ali from Carriageworks because we knew she would be a great asset to the company, and she didn’t prove us wrong. In her time with us she donned multiple hats getting in and doing the work that needed doing from being social media manager, web designer, producer, industry advocate, project manager and manager of finances and feelings. Ali was also an enthusiastic participant in Moogahlin’s office dance breakouts. She brought an unrivalled rigour to our company meetings and to the development and successes of Mooghalin today. We hope she takes these skills and experiences with her to show other arts companies how it is done.
Ali also brought a fantastic passion and joy to every project Moogahlin undertook over the last 8 years. In that time Ali, in collaboration with the Company Leadership Team, continually reviewed and refined our processes and workflows, always asking what worked, and what we do better for next time. All whilst nurturing and caring for our artists.
As the first and longest employee at Moogahlin Ali leaves us with an everlasting legacy and influence on who we are, how we operate, and how we lead in First People's storytelling.
She has been our greatest friend, a confidant and a champion. All of this she will continue where life takes her next.
Until then sis, you deserve this rest. You've given so much of yourself to everyone around you and we all love you for the world. “It’s been an honour and privilege witnessing your growth and leadership, with the company, and externally with the performing arts sector.
Love you.
Ali at Yellamundie Festival 2021 - Jamie James
Ali at The Last Shot in 2022 - Jamie James