Bringing the best of Blak arts to a device near you
MOOGAHL LIVE is a response to unfolding world events and their impact on our cultural arts community. With the current limits on outdoor and indoor gatherings and arts events being cancelled, Moogahlin wants to bring the Artist to the Community via a series of Facebook Live events.
Performances are rough, ready, and interactive, as audiences join the artist in their own homes for a chance to moogahl about!
The MOOGAHL LIVE pilot program ran from 23 March to 15 May 2020. We took a short break to re-strategise and returned in July to deliver a series of workshops, talks, and performances through to December. Catch up on all of the goodness via our Facebook Playlist or via the gallery below!
MOOGAHL LIVE was supported by the Australia Council for the Arts, Create NSW, and City of Sydney.